Work in print

Cover of A Semiotics of the Dramatic TextA Semiotics of the Dramatic Text
Macmillan, London, 1994.
Read the Introduction
Full details at

Cover of Performance Research Volume 23, Issue 4-5“Nothing like … falling …”
Performance Research, A Journal of the Performing Arts
Volume 23, 2018 – Issue 4-5:
On Reflection – Turning 100

Performance Research Vol 20 CoverTouch the EarthSusan Melrose, Stefanie Sachsenmaier & Rosemary Butcher, ‘Just in Time – Rosemary Butcher, making memories and marks’, in Performance Research – A Journal of the Performing Arts Volume 20, 2015 – Issue 6: On An/Notations, pp 87-94.
Published online: 26 Nov 2015 at
Picture from Touch the Earth, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 1987. Choreography Rosemary Butcher; Visual Artist Heinz Dieter Pietsch; Sound Michael Nyman; Dancers Jonathan Burrows, Maedee Dupres, Dennis Greenwood, Alexander Howard, Sue MacLennan, Caroline Pegg, Helen Rowsell, Wendy Thomas. Image Chris Ha.

discipline-and-resistance-cover“Running in Circles, with ‘Music’ in Mind”
in J. Impett (ed), Artistic Research in Music: Discipline and Resistance, Leuven University Press, 2017.

Contemporary Choreography A Critical Reader“Expert-intuitive and deliberative processes: Struggles in (the wording of) creative decision-making in ‘dance’”
in J. Butterworth, and L. Wildschut (eds), Contemporary Choreography A Critical Reader, 2nd Edition, 2017.

Digital Dissertations book cover"Disciplinary 'Specificity' and the Digital Submission"
in R. Andrews, E. Borg, S. Boyd Davis, M. Domingo and J. England (eds), Digital Dissertations and Theses, London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2012.

Contemporary Choreography book cover"Expert-intuitive processing and the logics of production: Struggles in (the wording of) creative decision-making in 'dance'"
in J. Butterworth and L. Wildschut (eds), Contemporary Choreography: A Critical Reader, London and New York: Routledge, 2009.

dance theatre journal cover"Finding — and owning — a voice
Kate Flatt and Susan Melrose discuss ownership in collaborative theatre practices" in Dance Theatre Journal, Vol.22, No.2, 2007: London, Laban

Capturing Intention cover“Not yet, and already no longer: loitering with intent between the expert practitioner at work, and the archive” in Colophon, Capturing Intention: documentation, analysis and notation. Editor: Scott deLahunta. Authors: Marion Bastien, Bertha Bermúdez, Maite Bermúdez, Frédéric Bevilacqua, Maaike Bleeker, Franz Anton Cramer, Scott deLahunta, Marijke Hoogenboom, Corinne Jola, Susan Melrose, Eliane Mirzabekiantz and Chris Ziegler. Text editing: The Loft v.o.f., Amsterdam. Graphic design: Katja van Stiphout. Print: VeenmanDrukkers, Rotterdam. Published by: Emio Greco | PC and Amsterdam School of the Arts 2007, EG | PC and AHK ISBN: 9789081081337

Performance Research coverPerformance Research article"(Re)marking the Overlooked or Stanislavski's Napkin"
in Gough, R (ed) Performance Research, Vol 6 No 2,Summer 2001.

Cover of Navigating the UnknownNavigating the Unknown, interior pages"Geo-Choreographies: Self as Site", interviews with Shobana Jeyasingh
in C. Bannerman, J. Sofaer & J. Watt (eds), Navigating the Unknown, London: Middlesex University Press, 2006.

thumbnail book coverSee "intuition" and "practice"
in A Lexicon, Performance Research, Volume 11, No. 3, Taylor & Francis Ltd, September 2006

thumbnail book cover"Who knows – and who cares – about performance mastery?"
in R. Gough & J. Christie (eds), A Performance Cosmology, London & New York: Routledge, 2006. ISBN: 0415372585.

thumbnail book cover"Bodies Without Bodies"
in S. Broadhurst & J. Machon (eds), Performance and Technology: Practices of Virtual Embodiment and Interactivity, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

thumbnail book cover"The Vanishing, or Little Erasures Without Significance?"
in Performance Research, Volume 11, No 2, Taylor & Francis Ltd, June 2006.

thumbnail book cover" 'Constitutive Ambiguities': Writing Professional or Expert Performance Practices, and the Théâtre du Soleil, Paris"
in J. Kelleher & N. Rideout (eds), Contemporary Theatres in Europe, London and New York: Routledge 2006.

thumbnail book coverRosemary Butcher: Choreography, Collisions and Collaborations
Rosemary Butcher and Susan Melrose (eds), Middlesex University Press, 2005. ISBN 1904750 47 8
Includes article by Susan Melrose:
Hidden Voices (2004) and The Return (2005) – Always Innovate …

thumbnail book coverN. Hunt & S. Melrose, "Techne, Technology, Technician: The Creative Practices of the Mastercraftsperson"
in Performance Research, Volume 10, No 4, 'On Techne', pp 70-82, Taylor & Francis Ltd, December 2005.